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Monday, 9 January 2012


On a beautiful morning in Lower Cromane, I noticed that the cloud formations on the mountains were very special, and just made for some not to be missed photos, so armed with the new K5, I set about capturing the photos below. One thing that caught my eye whilst walking, was watching the gulls, picking up small crabs and mussels on the shore, then flying to about 20ft, where they then dropped the collected shell fish onto the rocks to break the shells, they would then dive down again, and if the shell was not broken would repeat the process until the shell was broken, tough way of getting breakfast. Most of the bird shots were taken Shutter priority, 500sec,7fps, f9.5,55-300mm.

This one may be a candidate for the camera clubs forthcoming exhibition, the theme of which is "Mountains"   "Slieve Mish" taken from Cromane Point

Slieve Mish looking towards Inch Strand

Slieve Mish again, zoomed in!

Slieve Mish towards Castlemain harbour, I love the way the mountains step down to vanishing point!

The MacGillycuddy Reeks, looking towards Dooks.

Trawling for mussels.

Another exhibition candidate I think?

A heron, fishing, this one was surprisingly tame! They usually fly as soon as they see me.

This crow was sitting on a telegraph pole shouting the odds, didn't seem to like me and Beauty around!

A trawler hiding behind the sand bank.

Slieve Mish towards Castlemain again!

Slieve Mish, 

Time for a few birds!

This and the next eight photos, were taken in sequences, at 7fps.

Slieve Mish, the light was changing as the sun came up!

Sun pops through the clouds to illuminate the Mountain.

I think they may be Cormorants, didn't take my long telephoto with me!

Even zoomed in, I still can't tell.

A couple of Mussel trawlers fishing.

Slieve Mish sun spots again!

A Heron with his Gull friend!...Lol

A young Gull flies in.

Sunlight on the trawler!

The Reeks towards Dooks, Glenbeigh.

My friend Gerald, out collecting Periwinkles!

Gerald's dog "Max" giving a helping hand!

The MacGillycuddy Reeks from Upper Cromane!

The MacGillycuddy Reeks from Upper Cromane!

All photos: Pentax K5- Pentax 55-300mm, 

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