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Thursday, 28 June 2012


Due to road works on the road to Lower Cromane, this mornings dog walk was taken at Dooks Mountain Bog, and as the rain had at last stopped, I decided that I would see what photos I could take of the rain drops on Flora and Fauna! My Camera had my 16-50mm F2.8 Macro lens installed, that I knew would enable me to get some Macro shots with shallow D.O.F.  The following are my attempts.

A view of the Lake.

First few rain drops!

In closer!

Everything wet after the rain!

The out of focus rain drops look like small lights!

Water beads on the leaves!

Bee collecting Nectar! 

A nice friendly Bee!

Rain drops on the spiders web! No that's not a huge spider in the background!!

Manually focused to throw the rain drops out of focus, to give the fairy lights effect!

Honeysuckle!! amazing what you can see on a walk in the bog!

A sweet Rose in the bog!

Wild Fuchsia 

Shame I only had my 16-50mm with me, needed a better zoom for this lovely Swan!

The usual problem when you try to enlarge a shot by cropping, you get bad resolution!

This is how far away he was!

Another wild Rose!

Lily at the roadside!

A pair of Lilies!

All photos Pentax K5 & Sigma 16-50mm f2.8 Macro

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Today I took some time out today to practice blending two photos in Photoshop Elements10, below are the results! I hope I haven't offended anyone, if you are not happy let me know and I will remove the photo!

My best friend 'Beauty'

My neighbours wedding"

Waitress at Jacks with disco lights!

Singer Songwriter, Johanna Devine.

One of Mary O'Neills Daughters

All photos Pentax K5