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Friday, 26 August 2011

Today's morning dog walk, 26-08-11 in lower Cromane

This mornings dog walk in lower Cromane saw a changeable looking sky, with rain threatening from the west. The following photos are those taken by me this morning.

A nice cloud formation over the Slieve Mish Mountains.

Looking further North, the skies are a little more grey.

Towards Dingle, more storm clouds!

A few birds, nothing special, lens not long enough for any detail.

Sky getting brighter towards Dingle.

Going fishing.

A long way out hence the poor focus, but a friend tasked me with sighting a sea otter in Lower Cromane.

Even had a mate with it, obviously after the Salmon!

Its raining hard over Ross Beigh.

A heron coasting in, shame I left the big lens behind!

Rain progressing fast to Cromane, time to get outer here!!

Rainbow over Dingle.

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Pentax K10d 28-200mm

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Cromane Sunsets 25-08-11

After a wild day filled with a mixture of heavy showers and sunny spells, the day finally ended with some of the most spectacular sunsets I have seen in some time. Cromane gets more than its fair share of sunsets, but this one was special. I used a range of lenses, starting with my 28-200mm, then zoomed right in with my 170-500mm, and finished up with a few 18-55mm wide angles. All photos were taken out of my bedroom window!

Nice bright yellow sky to start with.

The reds are now setting in.

At 500mm

500mm again

Wide angle lens from here on!

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Pentax k10d   18-55mm 28-200mm  and 170-500mm lenses